Noah Smith 🐇🇺🇸🇺🇦 Profile picture
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Jan 6, 2022, 8 tweets

If America is going to succeed and thrive economically, we absolutely need to keep bringing in immigrants.…

People don't realize how much immigration to the U.S. has slowed down.

And people don't realize what a big hole this is going to leave in our population.

One big reason we need immigration is that without it, we risk becoming an economic backwater as Asia catches up with us in terms of income.

Another reason is that our dependency ratio is rising, meaning that we have fewer and fewer working-age people to take care of each retiree.

Immigrants do much of the work of physically caring for our elderly people. Without them, eldercare prices will rise, and people will have to do more of the work of caring for their own elderly family members.

Furthermore, immigrants give a HUGE fiscal boost to our government coffers. Without them, taxes are going to have to rise in order to support the elderly.

Do not listen to the Tucker Carlson types and the Amy Wax types. Immigration is not a threat to America at all. Indeed, it's the LACK of immigration that's the threat.


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