Scott J Balsitis Profile picture
Dad, husband, viral immunologist. All tweets are my own.

Jan 6, 2022, 6 tweets

The truth about masking children is starting to hit the front page: we never had evidence that it's helpful, and the harms are obvious. 🧵…

New UK study finds the same result as all the other studies: if there is any benefit, it's so tiny that it can't be accurately measured.…

There are clear negative educational impacts of masking, with the main benefit being making students "feel safe." Alternatively, we could make them feel safe by telling them that the children have always been low-risk and the vaccines work.

UK government report: "there are downsides to face coverings for pupils and students, including detrimental impacts on communication in the classroom"

And yes, masks are particularly challenging for people with disabilities:

And the obvious conclusion: stop masking children. It's an intervention with no clear evidence of benefit, if there is benefit it's incredibly small, and the harms are clear, obvious, and widespread.

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