Ruchir Sharma Profile picture
Public policy reformer | Satire, media, foreign policy, neo-colonialism, philhellenism, Titoism | Jayaprakash Narayan/Kwame Nkrumah/Koča Popović revivalist |

Jan 7, 2022, 9 tweets

Liberalism does not exist in post-colonial states, as that would require a native bourgeoisie, not merely a comprador class.

In India, there are 5000 people who understand liberalism.

Of which 4000 despise it, 900 adopt it for Anglosphere approval, and the rest are journalists.

"Indians had an even lower regard than Pakistanis for civil rights that protect people’s liberty as being an essential part of a democracy.

The share of Indians who thought that a strong leader was ‘very good’ for the country was higher than in any other country — even Russia"

"India was below the median of countries that believed it was very important for human rights organisations to operate freely in their country without State interference, as compared to European nations, which valued this highly."

"‘NGOs [or charities] are out to defame the country.

They take money from foreign countries and from the Church and they instigate poor tribal people against the government,’

Manu Koda, a twenty-four-year-old from Raipur in eastern India’s Chhattisgarh, told me."

"India joined Tunisia and Lebanon at the bottom of the list of countries that believed that it was important for the media to be able to report and people to be able to talk on the internet without censorship."


"Three-fourths of respondents expressed what the survey described as a majoritarian form of nationalism.

Only about 6 per cent subscribed to a strongly liberal nationalism and a further 17 per cent took a weak liberal nationalist position."

"The highest proportion of respondents with this majoritarian nationalist position were those with a graduate or postgraduate education.

These positions included the belief that the state should punish those who do not ‘respect’ the cow...or eat beef."

Malala would be proud. 😄

"About two-thirds of respondents supported the view that the State should punish those who engage in religious conversion.

Younger people [are not more progressive]:6 out of 10 respondents supported banning movies which hurt religious sentiments, even more so among Muslim youth"

"This is not a ‘liberal’ country,nor do most Indians likely see liberalism as a virtue.

Under 17 per cent of respondents described themselves as ‘modern'.

A majority of all respondents,young or old,rural or urban,uneducated or graduates, described themselves as ‘traditional’."

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