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Jan 7, 2022, 12 tweets

Here are my top 10 #Laravel packages📦

I would immediately DIE without them!

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1/11 laravel-query-builder by @spatie_be

With this package, you can build Eloquent queries based on the Request. It can handle things like:

- Filtering
- Sorting
- Including relationships
- Sparse fieldsets

2/11 has-many-deep by @staudenmeir

With this package, you can query deep relationships with a single SQL query.

Consider these relationships:
Country → has many → User → has many → Post → has many → Comment

3/11 Pest by @nunomaduro

The elegant testing framework inspired by Jest from the JS world:

4/11 Blueprint by @gonedark

With this package, you can define your models in a YAML file and it will generate:

- Migrations
- Models with relationships
- Factories
- CRUD Controllers
- Routes
- Form requests
- Even Jobs, Mails, Events, or basic HTTP tests

5/11 Clockwork by itsgoingd

Debugbar on steroids. You can monitor:

- Requests
- Performance metrics
- Log entries
- DB queries
- Cache queries
- Redis commands
- Events, jobs
- ...and more

6/11 json-api by @timacdonald87

A package that implements the JSON API standard and makes your life easy.

This is how a JsonApiResource looks like:

7/11 ziggy @TightenCo

This package makes it possible to use your Laravel named routes from your Javascript. Only applies to full-stack or MVC Laravel apps (no SPA).

Very useful!

8/11 laravel-auditing by owen-it

With this package, you can audit every change in your models. You only need to add a single Trait to your models, and you get every change recorded!

9/11 laravel-excel by @SpartnerNL

If you work with Excel exports this package is a must-have! This is how a simple user export looks like:

10/11 laravel-ide-helper by @barryvdh

The good old IDE helper! This package makes your IDE understand your models and Laravel classes. It gives you very nice autocompletion.

11/11 Thank you if you’re still here!

I post about Laravel every freaking day, so follow @mmartin_joo

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