Niall of the Bogside Nine Profile picture
🔥 I want to believe in a freedom that's bold 🔥 But all I remember is the freedom of old 🔥 #ACAB 🔥 All you do is call me, I'll be anything you need. 🔥

Jan 8, 2022, 12 tweets

A friendly message for Proud Boys, J6ers, supporters...

I know some of you see this account.

Thursday, you had your rallies, coast to coast, for your "political prisoners."

You are holding more today.

Still complaining about no traction... that no one cares.


Let me tell you why.

Other than the far-right radical base (and I mean faaar), pretty much everyone agrees you deserve to be held accountable for your actions.

You got used by an old man trying to old on to power in an election he lost.

He threw you a bone of a sentence...


in yesterday's statement. That was nice.

"Appalling abuse of political prisoners."

Couldn't even acknowledge you were fighting for him.

We all know "slandering his political opponents as domestic terrorists" is a reference to himself.

Because it's always "poor Donald."


Like when Donald came to Georgia and turned what was supposed to be a rally for David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler Senate races into a "poor Donald" festival.

I wonder how many he discouraged from voting with his election fraud lies?…


Jan 5th, we took the Senate seats and Jan 6th, Donald sold you that as rigged too.

He told you "if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore."

And, "after this, we're going to walk down, and I'll be there with you, we're going to walk down."


It was all bullshit.

As you were documenting yourselves attacking the Capitol, he was already hanging you out to dry.

A year later, you get half a sentence mention.

The other MAGA politicians?

Well, you got powerless MTG telling you what you WANT to hear...


...what a poor "political prisoner" you are.

What's she done to help you?

Oh, she told Cruz not to call you terrorists.

Wow. Good on her? 🤷🏻‍♂️

And shit... Cruz called you terrorists.

Good on him. 😂

Always picking the opportunity to best suit himself.


Hell, you'd think with Trump trying to primary Rodney Davis with Hitler quoting Mary Miller... Davis could have thrown a "political prisoner" reference in his latest records request.

Am I missing it?


It must be because Donald and Mary mentioned you a couple days earlier when they announced his endorsement of her in the primary.


Not there either. 🤷🏻‍♂️ 🤔

Literally, none of them care about you.

They used you.

And here's the kicker... the very best part...



When you got to pre-trial detention... instead of saying, "how long has the system been fucked up like this"... ?

You acted like the conditions were invented specifically for you and alienated folks who *might* have cared.

You entitled fucks.

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