Gerjon | חריון | غريون | ኼርዮን (Deactivated) Profile picture
Deactivated | ✈️ Aircraft Tracker | 🛰️ Image Analyst | 🛬🔥 Ilyushin Il-76 fan | 🌍Focus on 🇦🇪UAE, Africa | Quoted by 🇺🇳, Washington Post, BBC, NY Times

Jan 9, 2022, 7 tweets

Interesting Tupolev Tu-154M 🇷🇺RA-85019 flight #RSD982. Continued into Africa after ±2 hour in Tunis.

Earlier (Mali) flights using RFF callsigns (RUSSIAN FEDERATION AIR FORCE). Now RSD (SPECIAL DETACHMENT - RUSSIA, FEDERAL STATE BUDGET INSTITUTION) - Russian Gov, a different org.

Given this different callsign and owner, I am uncertain whether this flight is at all related to the RFF flights we previously saw around Mali/within Africa.

Russian State Tupolev Tu-154M reg. 🇷🇺RA-85019 #RSD982 apparently crossed the Atlantic Ocean yesterday:

She was spotted at 🇧🇷Belem Airport in Northern Brazil and was later tracked heading NW over the Carribean Sea.

📸: Finospotter

More: Russian Government Tupolev Tu-154M reg. 🇷🇺RA-85019 is back up!

She popped back up heading SE over the Carribean Sea. To me, it looks like she may have been in 🇨🇺Cuba.

Hmmm... Unsure if related, but:

Russian Government Tupolev Tu-154M reg. 🇷🇺RA-85019 seems to have made its way back to 🇧🇷Belem Airport in Northern Brazil, after likely visiting 🇨🇺Cuba, and 🇻🇪Venezuela twice. Returning home to Russia via North Africa tomorrow?

📸caio.spotter, 4 hours ago

Russian Air Force Tupolev Tu-154M reg. 🇷🇺RA-85019 #RSD982 has returned home after a five-day trip visiting 🇹🇳North Africa (for refueling?), 🇻🇪🇧🇷South America and 🇨🇺Central America, landing in 🇷🇺Moscow today 15 Jan 2022 around 08:30 UTC.

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