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Dad; husband; CNN anchor; author of The Outpost, The Hellfire Club, The Devil May Dance, and soon ORIGINAL SIN (May) then RACE AGAINST TERROR (Oct)

Jan 10, 2022, 8 tweets

Started researching and buying books by the great British cartoonist Ronald Searle a few months ago.

I adore and admire his skill and creativity so much. 1/

His art is not only so gorgeoys, it’s just so fun and preposterous. 2/

From his book THE SITUATION IS HOPELESS, Searle captioned this one: “particularly repellent dog glowing under the impression that it is man’s best friend” 3/

Anyway the reason I’m tweeting about him is because Searle, a British soldier, was a prisoner of war from 1942 until 1945. 4/

He would draw pictures of what he saw and hide them. Here are sketches of dying friends of his in 1943. 5/



8/ Am always amazed by those who can survive such an experience and go on to provide the rest of us such joy.

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