Timothée Parrique Profile picture
Author of "The political economy of degrowth" (2019) and "Ralentir ou périr. L'économie de la décroissance" (2022).

Jan 10, 2022, 11 tweets

If you think inequality is only a matter of income, think again – and check this study on energy inequality by @yl_oswald, @dr_anneowen, and @JKSteinberger.


1/ The richer a country, the bigger its energy footprint.

2/ Failure in economic inclusion causes exclusion from energy provision. Also: when expenditure is highly unequal in a country, the corresponding inequality in energy footprints will tend to be even larger.

3/ Consumption categories that feature higher energy intensities and higher elasticities, such as vehicle fuel, concentrate energy use among high-income individuals.

4/ What should be degrown? Answer: what’s in the red box, namely high-intensity goods and services only consumed by the richest.

5/ There are ~550 million people in each decile, so roughly the equivalent of today’s European Union. The top 10% consume ~39% of total final energy (nearly equivalent to the consumption of the bottom 80%), whereas the lowest 10% consume almost 20 times less, ~2%.

6/ The top 10% uses 75% for air transport. Said differently: flying is a luxury only used by the rich.

7/ The energy footprints of the richest reach 200-300 GJ yr. (...) On the other hand, 77% of people consume less than 30Gjyr and 38% consume less than 10Gjyr – this lower end is almost certainly insufficient for a decent quality of life.

8/ Economic growth aggravates inequality.

9/ 31% of the energy increase can be attributed to vehicle fuel alone, another 33% to heat and electricity and another 12% together to other transport and the education and finance and other luxury category. Other subsistence such as food and wearables, together, contribute 7%.

10/ Take-home message: We won’t solve the climate crisis without addressing national and international inequality.



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