mrspanstreppon Profile picture
"Liar!" retorted Hyacinth, with the directness of speech that is not merely excusable, but almost obligatory, in the political profession..."

Jan 10, 2022, 6 tweets

A few more comments re Mike Pompeo's official State Dept Twitter account. I still don't know where he was on Jan 6 2021. His account tweeted 18x that day but only three tweets posted at 6:16 pm referred to it....

...On Jan 1 2021, Pompeo announced he'd be tweeting about his many many many accomplishments. It appears the tweetstorm was planned in advance & I'm curious as to who put it together....

...Some of the tweets are inadvertently hilarious. Yes, Mike, our relations w the Arctic are indeed warmer than they've ever been. A lot warmer...

...Pompeo was the same nasty prick he's always been right up to Jan 20. Not a single word about P-E Biden, no good wishes, nothing. He was still sniping at the Obama administration & posting about HRC's reset button from a decade ago...

...You have to laugh at how conservatives drag out Eleanor Roosevelt & Dr Martin Luther King when they want to look like they care. (Did Ivanka ever finish Mrs Roosevelt's autobiography?)...

...And that's all from me on former SoS Mike Pompeo's now archived official Twitter account which, my understanding is, can't be edited.

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