in that order⁷ | 📌 sope au Profile picture
bitches be crying over sope and harry styles. you know who bitches is | lofiwriter on ao3 | @sopeforsoul my partner in crime | she/her

Jan 10, 2022, 107 tweets

sope au where yoongi is an idol and hoseok is a dancer.

one day, yoongi bumps into hoseok and when he looks down to pick up the fallen phone, he sees a photocard. of himself

• a new sope au!
• middle length
• time stamps/hair color don’t matter
• no side ships
• updates are already scheduled unless something comes up
• you can put notifs on because i won’t be tweeting much besides au

based on this prompt! thank you inés for you sexc brain🥵 ive been thinking about this for months

another small a/n

don’t forget to quote retweet and like. that really motivates me to write!


~ yoongi & his private acc

• an idol under name SUGA
• on rest right now
• having a bit of an art block

#sopeau #yoonseokau

yg’s friends

jimin & private

• CEO of JX2, dance company
• tae’s best friend

taehyung & priv

• a famous model
• jimin’s soulmate

~ hoseok & private

• a dancer, trying to make ends meet
• loves suga a lot, but doesn’t show it on his main
• has a private where he screams about yoongi

hsk’s friends

• namjoon, upcoming producer, looking for projects
• jin, media major, wants to be a journalist
• jungkook, dancer like hoseok, also looking with him for projects

| 5 |

we need to talk more about jimin ceo concept (also yg has jm as “lizard” cause he has lizard as his pfp 😔)

#sopeau #yoonseokau

| 6 |

*will be the problems

#sopeau #yoonseokau

| 8 |

yoongle boongle

#sopeau #yoonseokau

| 9 |

two types of people

#sopeau #yoonseokau

| 14 |

hoseok has his priorities very straight

#sopeau #yoonseokau

| 21 |

i hope it’s okay with those whose profiles i used. if it’s not, dm me! if you want to be in the au as a fan acc, quote rt then!

#sopeau #yoonseokau

| 22 |

ah, hoseok, my sweet summer child

#sopeau #yoonseokau

that’s it for now! the next update is friday, stay tuned🤍

tell me your thoughts —

how flustered yoongi was?

it’s not seen on the previous tweet but next update is this friday! stay tuned!

thank you for reading! the next update is on monday, 17.01!

what u would do at hoseok’s place?

— Jungkook, I don’t think I will be able to come today, — Hoseok said in a monotone voice. He didn’t even remember how he dialed his friend’s number, he couldn’t remember what he had said previously, he couldn’t remember how to /live/.

— Wait, what? Hyung, is everything okay? What happened? Where are you? Do you need anything? — the questions poured in a flow but his mouth was frozen — it was impossible for him to even reply with a grunt.

Having no more power in his hand, he dropped it, not caring to finish the call.

Why would anything matter when he had talked with THE Min Yoongi?

Calling it a conversation would be quite difficult.

It had been a mix of utter embarrassment and then a pleasant surprise and then freezing shock and now he was there.

Maybe minutes or probably hours has passed before Hoseok was able to regain consciousness. He was still standing on the street, on the same spot — that was stability, that was good.

However, the recent events started coming back again and Hoseok had to physically tense not to fall on the ground.

Had Min Yoongi just said that he would want for his number next time?

Had he fucking winked?

Had he- /oh lord/, Hoseok thought, as he looked down on his palm.

Yoongi had taken it. He had helped him to get back up and he touched his palm.

An inhuman voice left Hoseok’s throat and he would be already convinced that it all was a fucked-up dream if it wasn’t for a huge pile of muscles to jump on him in the next second.

| 40 |

mom i AM a rich man🥰

#sopeau #yoonseokau

| 42 |


#sopeau #yoonseokau

| 45 |

seokie;( dw mama arina will make everything better in a couple of updates

#sopeau #yoonseokau

| 46 |

meanwhile yoongi…..

#sopeau #yoonseokau

| 51 |

why do men even try

#sopeau #yoonseokau

| 53 |

[in about several hours]

#sopeau #yoonseokau

[in about several days]

seems like somebody is gonna audition🤫 what song should they choose?

thank you for reading! the next update is on thursday, 20.01. if you want to be tagged on the new update, please qrt!

[in a couple of days]

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#sopeau #yoonseokau

| 69 |

stupid hallucinations

#sopeau #yoonseokau

okay so what does IT actually mean?



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