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Mom. Cynophilist. Sanatani. Worship the Lord like Nandi. RTs etc not an endorsement. 🙏 #HarHarMahadevॐ

Jan 10, 2022, 15 tweets

According to Hindu scriptures, the world is made up of four main “Yugas” -also known as ages, epochs or cycles of time – each made up of tens of thousands of human years. These 4 yugas are namely:

Satya Yuga
Treta Yuga
Dwapara Yuga
Kali Yuga

According to the laws of Hindu cosmology, the Universe is created wholly, only to be destroyed entirely once in every “4.1 to 8.2 billion” years! This is believed to constitute one full day and night for Lord Brahma, the Creator of the Universe.

One of Brahma’s lifetime is considered to be around 311 trillion and 40 billion years! These Yugas are believed to repeat themselves in cyclical patterns, much like the waxing and waning of the moon; like the four seasons; like the rising and ebbing of tides!

Each of these four Yugas involves stages of change of evolution; one in which not only the physical universe undergoes change but the whole thought process and consciousness of mankind metamorphoses either for better or for worse, depending upon that particular Yuga.

The entire cycle of a Yuga starts from its highest point, the Golden Age, Satya Yuga. It gradually proceeds stage by stage, till it reaches Dark Age of evil & ignorance (Kali Yuga), again moving ahead towards positivity, reaching back to the Golden Age, to complete the cycle.

We are presently living in the “Kali Yuga”. The start and end dates of the Kali Yuga remain a mystery. The popularly accepted date for the beginning of the Kali Yuga is “3102 BC i.e. 35 years after the conclusion of the great battle of Mahabharata!”

One entire cycle of the Yuga, denotes the time the solar system takes to revolve around another star. According to “Hindu cosmology”, the universe is said to be cyclically created and destroyed. Its cosmology divides time into four epochs or Yuga.

According to Hindu Vedic cosmology,there's no absolute start to-time,as it is considered infinite and cyclic! Similarly,space & the universe have neither a start nor an end, rather it's cyclical. The current universe is just the start of a present cycle preceded by an infinite...

number of universes and to be followed by another infinite number of universes. So will the Ramayana and Mahabharata happen again?

The answer is “both partially No and partially Yes”. They'll repeat but they'll not be the same as in the past cycle of time.

A span of each Yuga has also been mentioned in the scriptures:

Kali Yuga is the shortest, with 4,32,000 human years.
Dwapara Yuga is twice as long as Kali Yuga, 4,32,000 X 2 = 8,64,000 years.
Treta Yuga is thrice as long as Kali Yuga 4, 32,000 X 3 = 12, 96,000 years.

Satya Yuga is four times as long as Kali Yuga 4, 32,000 X 4 = 17, 28,000 years.

Together the four Yuga’s make 43, 20,000 years in one Mahayuga (Chaturyug). This Mahayug is then repeated for 71 times. Yes, 71 times.

So incidents like Mahabharata and Ramayana will happen again, in each next respective yugas but they will be completely different according to the situation of that Kaal (Time). People in each cycle would be required to be taught about dharma and Satya.

They must be shown the right way and evil should be destroyed. This is the reason why Ramayana and Mahabharata happened. It was God’s wish and God took avatars in respective Yugas to eliminate evil and preserve dharma.

When the Kali Yuga is estimated to end, none of us can estimate it. It is beyond human calculations and indeed a supernatural phenomenon! What happened in previous yugas is a lesson for people in next Yuga. They should follow this lesson and it will lead them to the right path.

Source : Vedic tribe.

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