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Writer of words. Thinker of thoughts. These are them. I’m for Pugs, Justice, Democracy and the advancement of treatments for Neurological Disorders.

Jan 11, 2022, 8 tweets

January 6th was a pretty bad day. It was a bad day for our country, it was a bad day for democracy and truth be told, no matter how much he reveled in it in the tent, on the stage, or in the dining room, it was a pretty bad day for trump. But it got worse for him on Jan 7th. 🧵👇🏻

January 6th was such a big deal that this intelligence community report seems to have fallen a bit by the wayside. This report is short, only 15 pages, so please read it. Here is the full version.…

On Jan 7th, the National Intelligence Council presented this report to trump. One day after his failed insurrection predicated on an election he lost but said was stolen, he learned from his own team that even with Putin’s help undermining our electoral process he didn’t win.

I’ve been wondering where Rudy Giuliani has been lately. I imagine the special master is close to being done reviewing his electronic devices. After reading this report again, I wouldn’t be surprised if Rudy wishes he were hiding in the trunk of Elon Musk’s Mars orbiting car.

US Media Organizations? US Officials? Russian Intelligence influence narratives? Andriy Derkach? Ukraine? Prominent US individuals close to trump? Wasn’t Rudy in Ukraine? Wasn’t there a documentary by OAN, too?

And wasn’t Ron Johnson involved in spreading disinformation from Ukraine about Biden’s son trying to denigrate Biden’s candidacy? The exact things this report alleges? Perhaps someone running against Ron Johnson or the Wisconsin constituents should read about that here. 👇🏻

trump was spreading disinformation about mail in voting just like Putin to undermine our faith in elections and on Jan 7th our Intel community told him they knew. He more than likely didn’t listen and probably stopped reading when they referred to him as ‘former president’.(ouch)

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