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Jan 11, 2022, 6 tweets

*record scratch* We interrupt our regularly-scheduled democracy reform programming to let you know we're VERY excited to endorse @TheOtherMandela, @JamieforOregon and @Marie4Congress! These grassroots champions will bring the fight for progressive change to the halls of Congress.

.@TheOtherMandela is a historic candidate running in a historic moment. Poised to become the youngest ever and first Black Senator from Wisconsin, and having grown up in one of the poorest zip codes in the state, Mandela is the kind of transformational leader we need right now.

.@JamieforOregon would make history as Oregon’s first out LGBTQ member of Congress. She's taking on Rep. Kurt Schrader, who’s been one of the foremost obstacles to President Biden’s popular Build Back Better agenda. We endorsed Jamie in 2018 and we're proud to endorse her again.

We’re proud to endorse longtime Indivisible champion @Marie4Congress for a 3rd time. This @USProgressives Vice Chair has been a reliable & consistent progressive voice in Congress. Like her previous campaigns, Marie is the only candidate in the race to reject all corporate PAC $.

We’re going to throw all our political power behind these endorsed candidates, and bring real progressive change to your neighborhoods, districts, and states. If you're able, can you chip in today to help win and support all our work?:…

The 10 candidates that we've endorsed ahead of the midterms are ready to do the hard work to make sure our democracy and economy work for all of us. Look for more endorsements as our local groups continue to nominate candidates:

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