🍉🏴Yon🏴🍉@ Dawntrail Lvl90 Profile picture
🏳️‍🌈| he/they | 4cm Frog | 2D Generalist/Comic Artist | ACAB | BLM | Official R1999 Content Creator | 4threset@gmail.com ¦ ADHD+Autistic | all opinions mine

Jan 11, 2022, 9 tweets


(For context, my WoL has a voice but is primarily nonverbal. Reserving their voice for close friends and family only. They primarily use written notes or sign language)





A note : I'm still learning ASL so i tend to translate sentences directly to sign instead of using more efficient signs so feel free to correct me!

The sign for "Hear" is cupping your hands to your ears, but Telios haS HORNS INSTEAd of ears so there we go :')

When I first encountered meteor w @/tsukkyue_ i was yelling on call about hOW SHE AND TELIOS WOULD BE BEST FUCKING FRIENDS BC THEY BOTH DONT TALK MUCH!!

I've just been corrected that the sign for "Talk" is backwards! The hand motion moves towards the chin instead of away! Sorry about that!!

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