Difficult Airway Society (DAS) Trainees Profile picture
Difficult Airway Society Trainees Tweets by @drnishaat @majumdar_moon (& @vapourologist during #JanuAIRWAY) Charity: 1071732

Jan 12, 2022, 11 tweets

#JanuAIRWAY Day 12. Awake Techniques (ft. expert contributions from @dr_imranahmad). This is a key skill for an airway manager. Here’s a #OnePager covering the basics of Awake Tracheal Intubation (ATI) and nasendoscopy. Let’s dive in…
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Key = topicalization (if right, may not need sedation). Top tips:
- Know nerve supply CN V, IX & X.
- Block Ant.ethmoidal AND Sphenopalatine ganglion supply to the nasal septum
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Often you don’t need high dose LA if in right spot – this video is @Vapourologist after only gargling instilagel.
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These #OnePagers cover ergonomics and the basics of the flexible bronchoscope.
- Know your equipment: set-up, usage and limitations
- Two positions for scope handling: Bazooka (facing patient) or Statue of Liberty (standing at head end)
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Ancillary equipment can make or break an awake intubation. Here’s a #OnePager covering the 3 main types. Those which aid:
- Oxygen delivery
- Drug delivery
- Scope delivery (oral airways)
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There are many different recipes for ATI. Here’s some #OnePagers looking at some of the different drugs that can be used, some special circumstances with additional considerations and another #OnePager summarising the DAS approach to ATI conduct.
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There are a lot of potential problems that can be encountered during ATI – these need to be planned for. Here’s some #OnePagers covering the basics of troubleshooting, complications and how to manage unsuccessful ATI.
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The DAS guidelines for Awake tracheal intubation are available in @Anaes_Journal #OpenAccess #FreeForever #RecommendedRead
🔓 …-publications.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/an…
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Here are some other papers / links that you might find interesting:
If you have any others of interest, tweet them to us for inclusion next time!
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Remember HFNO can help and a good knowledge of airway pharmacology is essential for awake techniques. Why not revisit our #OnePagers from #JanuAIRWAY Days 5 and 9.

Day 5 Airway Planning 🔗
Day 9 HFNO 🔗

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Hope that helps. Tomorrow we'll take a look at Jet Ventilation. See you then!
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*Disclaimer: Inclusion of content (equipment, techniques and scoring systems etc.) in #JanuAIRWAY does not constitute DAS endorsement

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