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Dark lord of the Cis

Jan 12, 2022, 7 tweets

The Book of Boba Fett is completely stupid, and this show is an embarrassment.

During the cringe chase scene, hipster scooter guy crashes through a painting of Jabba the Hutt. Before they all crash into the fruit stand.

Boba Fett learns his new Rancor Monster is depressed. He spends a few minutes smiling & mewing while he pets it like a puppy. Danny Trejo approves.

Diversity Gang: "We don't have any money. There are no jobs in Mos Vespa, and water is overpriced!"

(But we have brand new rainbow hover scooters.)

Boba Fett: "I'll give you a job."

The Black Wookie sneaks in to assassinate Ole Boba Fett. Crushes his bones loudly and drops his limp, lifeless body to the floor.

Diverse scooter gang comes to save the day.

Boba Fett pops right up, puts a bath robe on & has a fat meal. Guess he heals like Wolverine. Dumb.

The really dumb part of BOBF has been the dozen humans carrying the 2 crappy CGI Hutts everywhere.

Their knees always buckle while on screen. Hutts weigh 1.5 Tons each in the lore making this is dumb.

Disney Star Wars Is Dumb.

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