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Jan 12, 2022, 8 tweets

What kind of news innovation we'll see in 2022?

💡 We've surveyed 246 media leaders from 52 countries to respond this question

📱Full report by @nicnewman here…
🧶 5 charts in thread

1. There'll be more iteration than new ideas in 2022

🛠 67% of the news leaders in our sample say their main focus will be in improving existing products. Only 32% say they'll spend most of their time launching new ones

2. Lack of skills and resources seems to be the biggest barrier to innovation

👷‍♀️ 51% of the news leaders surveyed think the main barriers they encounter are the lack of skills to deliver solutions and the lack of resources. Strategy, not execution seems to be the key problem

3. Habit is the name of the game in 2022

🎙 Most of the news leaders surveyed say they'll focus on podcasts (80%) and newsletters (70%) in the year ahead. Both products create habits and are popular with subscribers. Publishers will also focus on digital video (63%)

4. Publishers will move away from Twitter and Facebook

🕺🏻 News leaders say they'll put more resources into visual platforms such as Instagram, TikTok and YouTube in a move designed to attract younger audiences

5. AI will be important for many publishers in 2022

🤖 More than 80% of our sample say these technologies will be important for better content recommendations and newsroom automation. 69% see AI as critical on the business side in helping to attract and retain customers

This annual report, authored by @nicnewman, includes many other details about the challenges and opportunities facing journalism in 2022. Read it in full. It's worth your time

📱 Full report here…
📃 PDF version here…

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