Jo Maugham Profile picture
Director @GoodLawProject. King's Counsel. Live your values. Fight the power. Keep the receipts. He/him.

Jan 12, 2022, 11 tweets

The High Court has found that the Government's VIP lane - that channelled riches to its friends, donors and associates - was illegal.…

As regards the products supplied by the parties, the Court made, amongst others, the following findings. Pestfix's aprons:

More of Pestfix's aprons (Mr Jordan is International Sourcing Lead, PPE within the DHSC: see paragraph 103).

Pestfix's gowns.

Pestfix's FFP2 masks.

Pestfix's FFP3 masks.

Ayanda's FFP2 masks (which cost £155m).

The Court made no negative findings about the product delivered by Clandeboye. However, an investigation by the BBC revealed issues with the product Clandeboye supplied. These were not disclosed to the Court. We think Government misled the Court.

You can see that investigation here.…

Showing that the VIP lane was not merely - merely! - an ethical outrage but was also illegal was our main objective and we achieved that.

But we're not done with this. We think we should have got even more from this judgment and are considering our options.

If you want to support our work - we are the arrow but you draw the bow - you can do so here.

We are nothing without your support.

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