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Jan 12, 2022, 13 tweets

So, remember how Tucker Carlson had a Jan. 6 lawyer on his show who declared that a Trump fanatic on the front lines of the battle with police at the U.S. Capitol was “clearly a law enforcement officer” who was only dressed up as a Trump fanatic?

“Let’s put his picture back on the screen,” Tucker Carlson said, airing the conspiracy theory the Trump fan was a fed. “Who is this person? Why hasn’t he been charged? That’s a very simple ask.”…

Well, Rally Runner — the St. Louis Cardinals superfan who runs around Busch stadium during games — is now a bit upset with the false story aired by Tucker Carlson (one of his favorite media figures) and his guest. Here are some videos he sent me:

The videos were originally filmed for @DeionBroxton, whose story is here:…

“If I’m wrong, so be it, bro. I don’t care,” said the Jan. 6 attorney. “I don’t give a shit about being wrong.”…

Here’s footage of Rally Runner with the police shield at the tunnel:

Tucker Carlson fan Rally Runner says that “Fox and Tucker” knowingly reported a “false story.”

Again, this is the guy who Tucker Carlson viewers believe was some sort of superspy undercover law enforcement officer. The guy who posted a video on Jan. 6 describing his actions, and then posted that he was interviewed by the FBI.

This guy.

In contrast to the Tucker Carlson segment, Rally Runner thought our story was “fair.” Looks like his lawyer vetted his responses, but don’t take that claim that the FBI “cleared” him to the bank.

believe there’s a dril tweet for this.

Rally Runner made his pivot nearly a year before Ted Cruz.

“for years I believed Tucker was a responsible reporter focused on stopping ‘Fake News’ just to be hit with this story,” Rally Runner tells me.

Another one of the people who Tucker Carlson’s star guest theorized was an “agent provocateur” was arrested today.

Overall, a pretty rough day for Jan. 6 truthers!

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