Andrew Levi Profile picture
Technology investor, former diplomat and corporate executive▫️“Top” New York Times▫️“Senior” BBC▫️“Valued” Financial Times▫️“Persona non grata” Vladimir Putin▫️

Jan 12, 2022, 9 tweets

Bring your own brain, part 4.

The PM’s parties.

Good grief!

In case you’d like better to understand the Downing Street & Cabinet Office layout, this short 🧵 will, I hope, help. All from the public record, BTW.

First, Google Maps satellite image of the No 10 site. /1.

The red-roofed, L-shaped, mini mansion at the back is part of “No 10”. You can’t see it, or imagine it, from the front door view in Downing Street. The ground floor plan👇is a historic document. Some details of usage, or even non load-bearing walls, may have changed slightly. /2.

Here is the corresponding first floor plan 👇/3.

And the corresponding second floor plan👇/4.

I can’t find the third floor plan. But I’m not sure it’s vital to understanding this debacle.

Here’s a first floor plan showing the wider context of Downing Street & the main Cabinet Office building (to the right). /5.

The context (so far as my input is concerned) is my three prior 🧵s, “Bring your own brain”, “Bring your own brain, part 2” & “Bring your own brain, part 3”.

They’re attached to this & the two following tweets👇 /6.

“Bring your own brain, part 2”, 🧵👇 /7.

“Bring your own brain, part 3”, 🧵👇 /8. End

P.S. With thanks to @JohnApplebyLD, in tweet 4 there is a small third floor plan. Looks like No 10 only. Doesn’t cover the rest of Downing Street.

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