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Not-for-profit organisation spreading ideas and information about social, environmental and philosophical issues.

Jan 12, 2022, 7 tweets

Two years ago, way back in the Old Normal days of January 2020, we published The Acorn 54.

Interesting to note that every single item in the bulletin remains just as relevant today!


1. Mobilising against the assault on nature

We warn that Klaus Schwab's WEF is "spearheading a bid by corporations and financial institutions to 'monetize' nature on a global scale" and is promoting a Fourth Industrial Revolution.

2. X-axis: the money behind the greenwash

We warn that the climate “solutions” being proposed by fake-green wheeler-dealers "risk leading us into a nightmarish future of artifice, enslavement and corporate-controlled 'smart' fascism".

3. With friends like these…

We question radicals who attack us and refuse to even read any research exposing the machinations of the ruling system, automatically dismissing it as 'conspiracy theory' and "appear to be incapable of critical thinking or independent thought".

4. Neoliberalism is the new fascism

We warn that the likes of Macron in France are prepared to use every weapon at its disposal to crush dissent against the system. "Neoliberalism is coming out of the closet and revealing itself to be a 21st century form of fascism".

5. George Orwell: an orgrad inspiration

“Totalitarian ideas have taken root in the minds of intellectuals everywhere, and I have tried to draw these ideas out to their logical consequences”.

6. Acorninfo

“Vitaphobia is the fear of life itself, a fear which becomes hatred, a hatred which begets unlimited violence against everything that is alive”.…

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