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🕉🚩Temples Architecture Heritage Traditions Culture 🚩 एकम् सत् विप्रा बहुधा वदन्ति 🕉 There is Only 1 Truth- The Learned call Him By Many Names🚩Proud Hindu🚩

Jan 13, 2022, 6 tweets

🕉 Today #VaikuntaEkadashi is Margashirsha Shukla Paksha Ekadashi in Lunar calendar #MokshadaEkadashi Vaikunta Dwar-Gate to Lord's Inner Sanctum’ is opened today. Vishnu Purana says fasting on #VaikunthaEkadashi is equal to fasting on rest of 23 Ekadashis of Hindu year🚩

🕉 2. Padma Purana says Devas, unable to bear the tyranny of Demon Muran approached Bhagwan Shiva, who sent them to Bhagwan Vishnu. In the Battle between Lord Vishnu & the demon,Bhagwan realized that a new weapon was needed to slay Muran🚩

🕉3.When Muran tried to slay Bhagwan Vishnu, who was resting to make the new Weapon, the female power that emerged from Bhagwan burned Muran to ashes with her glance. Bhagwan Vishnu pleased, named her Goddess #Ekadashi 🚩

🕉 4. Bhagwan blessed Goddess #Ekadashi that whoever worshipped Her & fasted on the day of her victory over Muran will attain Moksha/Vaikunta ( His Abode). Thus came the 1st #Ekadashi which is Dhanurmasa Shukla Paksha Ekadashi 🚩

🕉 5. Lord Vishnu opened the gate of Vaikuntam (His Abode) for the Demon in spite of their being against him. They also asked for boon that whoever listens to their story & sees Bhagwan Vishnu's Murthy coming out of the Northern door called Vaikunth Dwar, will reach Vaikunta🚩

🕉 6. Paramapada Vasal, the gate to Vaikunta in all Bhagwan Vishnu Temples is opened once in a year, only on #VaikuntaEkadashi day & devotees who goes through Paramapada Vasal will be blessed to attain Moksha/Vaikuntam 🚩🕉 Namo Narayana🙏

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