Simrat Sahota Profile picture
Previous Profession:- Indian Army @adgpi | Ex-NDA(139 Course) | Tweets on Armed Forces , Geopolitics and just few random thoughts 😅

Jan 13, 2022, 5 tweets

1/n First day at India Squadron,
I enter the squadron building from Battalion Area side.
First thing I see is Major Mohit Sharma's Portrait in Nair lobby
Stared at it for few minutes , checking it out and awe struck by his chest filled by medals and badges.

2/n Seargent accompanying me noticed this and said
"Ain't he amazing"
I said ,"What sir"
The Seargent replied ,"His eyes,full of resolute and smile ,so infectious".
In the coming days ,I realised his importance and presence in the squadron

3/n He was running X-country with all of us , motivating us thru out the route,to give our best for our squadron and not give up.
He was there with us while we represented our squadron in various games, pushing us to our limits.
Josh pushups dedicated to him was an usual thing.

4/n Best part is that none of us ever meet him personally
Still were proud of the fact that he was an Injun(Cadets of India squadron) and affiliation with the orange and black colour(Squadron colours)
Sir continues to aspire generations of officers,cadets and aspirants even today

Wishing a very happy birthday to Major Mohit Sharma,AC,SM aka Iftikhar Bhatt
"Injun was I born,Injun shall I die"
@Anubakshi8 @madhurster @GeneralBakshi @megirish2001

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