Wiebe Wakker Profile picture
Speaker | Sustainable Adventurer | First to drive to the other side of the World in an EV. 📈 34 Countries, 1222 days, 100,000km, 0 drops of fuel

Jan 13, 2022, 11 tweets

Day 11. In my original plan, I would arrive in Dubai on day 10. I prepared less for plan B, meaning from today I have to wear my underwear inside out. Yes, you're getting all the details.
Now getting ready for the bus Amman - Hail (Saudi Arabia). Step for step I'm getting there.

Waiting for the bus to depart. I’m travelling on the famous German ‘Nichtraucherbus’

Funny, the girl who sold my ticket yesterday just came to me to thank me. Apparently she was on trial and her manager saw her speaking English with me yesterday and that got her the job.

With 40 minutes delay the bus to Saudi departure. The landscape is gradually changing to desert.

At the Saudi border. Probably won’t have internet the coming hours to posts updates.

Still at the Jordan side of the border. Had my passports checked. Waiting for the others in the group to finish.

Passed the Jordan border now. Had my passport checked at Saudi side. Took long as their finger print scanner didn’t want to scan my thumbs. Some lube from a guy on the same bus who was annoyed it took ages, helped.

Finally passed the Saudi border. That was the longest and strictest crossing I ever had. All suitcases on a table, empty bus through XRay, all individual bags checked by hand and dogs. And there were 6 busses before us and only 1 guy checking. 3 hours on Saudi side. 5 hours total

First stop after hours of driving. Eating chicken and rice on the carpet. All these people laughing at me because I can’t eat while sitting cross-legged. I’m half lying down on one side. Need some practice. Or exercise.

I spend the whole day and night on this bus. Finally for the first time there were other people who also spoke English. Also been chatting for an hour with a guy via WhatsApp, using Google translate. Interesting guy.

At 3am bus arrived at Hail. Where I got off. Well, it didn’t leave the highway and it was still 30km to the city. I was the only one who got off, bus continued to Riyadh. Luckily a nice man dropped of his sister at this bus and gave me a lift. Pics taken by other passenger.

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