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Psychologist by Profession, Humanitarian by Passion No one is you, & that's your super power. Digital Marketer. Dottee ♥️Clothing brand |

Jan 13, 2022, 7 tweets

இன்னைக்கு போகி lunch with family. Must try restaurant in Chennai.
இடம் : #175 ECR, சென்னை,
எல்லாரும் நல்லா சாப்டு சந்தோசமா இருங்க.
#Foodies #foodphotography #foodblogger
@parundhu_officl @TeaKadaiBench
#Letztalk #Parundhu #Keecholigal

Starter with Lemon Coriander Soup chicken..
கொத்துமல்லியின் flavour um, எலுமிச்சை யின் taste um with Chicken, நல்ல taste with French Fries with Garlic Mayo
@parundhu_officl @TeaKadaiBench
#Letztalk #Parundhu #Keecholigal

Thin Crust Desi Pizza, உண்மையாவே செம்ம thin Crust Chicken with corn and Capsicum
#Foodies #foodphotography #foodblogger
@parundhu_officl @TeaKadaiBench
#Letztalk #Parundhu #Keecholigal

Starter 2: Butterfly Prawns Shrimps breaded, நல்லா மொரு மொருனு இருக்கும். Tandoor Mayo dip ஓட serve பண்றாங்க. Manchow Soup with fried Noodles.
#Foodies #foodphotography #foodblogger
@parundhu_officl @TeaKadaiBench
#Letztalk #Parundhu #Keecholigal

Starter 3: Chicken wings, Drunken wings and Parmesan Chicken wings
#Foodies #foodphotography #foodblogger
@parundhu_officl @TeaKadaiBench
#Letztalk #Parundhu #Keecholigal

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