Authentic #blackconservatism has always had the fundamental and explicit goal of opposing white supremacy. — Kareim Oliphant #BlackConservative

Jan 13, 2022, 10 tweets

"I said Georgia
Ooh Georgia, no peace I find
Just an old sweet song
Keeps #Georgia on my mind"

— Ray Charles


Republican Party Politics and the American South, 1865-1968…

Why African Americans left the Republican Party

"This decline can be attributed to a general upswing in Lily-White challenges across the South – initiated with President Herbert Hoover’s blessing ."…

"In regard to being invited into the party we wish to say that the Anglo-African does NOT have to be invited into the Republican party. He has no doubt been too loyal. It was the Anglo-Saxon who was invited into the ranks of the party."

"[The Lily-White Republicans] came in and took possession and shut the door on the Anglo-African."

Respectfully, S.H. VICK

25 years AFTER the Civil War.
132 years ago ...

"However, in 1888, the struggle was begun by the organization of "white Republican clubs," for the purpose of controlling the county conventions"…

"Father characterized the promoters of the warfare as THIEVES."

"Father asked no quarter in the coming struggle and would give none. The White Republicans, angered, attempted to influence the colored delegates to split on the color question."

The Lily White Republican Movement: A Republican response to being labeled the Party of the Negro…

But like the black Pharaoh of Cush/Sudan/Egypt wno has "marched out to fight against you" - Sennacherib - King of Assyria.

Black Conservatism is COMING for you White Nationalism.

We have a "rendezvous" with history, too.

We refuse to escort black/brown children down white steps for you; to encourage that they bend a knee to you, we refuse to escort them into a thousand years of darkness, for you.

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