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NBC News reporter. Mostly on Bluesky. SEDITION HUNTERS was one of Publishers Weekly’s best books of 2023 SIGNAL: ryanjreilly.62

Jan 13, 2022, 6 tweets

Brandon Straka met with the feds once again last week — on January 5, 2022 — and was “cooperative,” per court filing.

DOJ is asking for four months of home detention.

DOJ says Straka has made "what appear to be sincere expressions of remorse” that "serve as a strong counter to his aggravating conduct, namely, his abuse of his responsibility as a public figure not to agitate and inflame the passions of a riotous mob.”

"As a public figure who continues to have a large social media following, Straka has a responsibility to ensure that his rhetorical flourishes do not endanger others.”…

"Straka sanctioned the seizure of a police officer’s shield while the officer attempted to keep out the crowd of rioters growing closer to the U.S. Capitol. Straka can be heard saying 'take it, take it.' Straka’s actions escalated the conduct of the rioters."

"Straka’s primary occupation is as an influencer. Having embraced that vocation, he must be cognizant of his power to influence others.”

Straka, one of many Jan. 6 defendants who didn’t like antifa getting credit for their work, will be sentenced on the anniversary of Joe Biden’s inauguration.…

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