Seth Cotlar, mostly now at the other places Profile picture
Teaches US History at Willamette Univ. Working on a book about the long history of the US Right. Come join me on Blsky which is far less friendly to fascists.

Jan 14, 2022, 13 tweets

Another doozy from the great patriotic conservative lovers of American history who don’t know the most basic facts about it.

The low hanging fruit of “racist Democrat Stephen Douglas” was right there for the taking too.

They say you can teach the Declaration of Independence, but I dunno, sounds kinda divisive to me.

I’m assuming their chosen excerpts from Tocqueville do not include chapter 18?…

Left—what is outlawed
Right—a paragraph from Democracy in America by specifically recommended author, Alexis De Tocqueville.

Tocqueville had some opinions about Virginia lawmakers.

It would be good if the legislators of Virginia actually took some time to read Tocqueville’s Chapter 18.

More “divisive” Tocqueville

[Bob Dylan voice] Oh, Lexi Tocqueville

The Lincoln-Douglas debates are a great way to avoid introducing children to divisive concepts! This is Douglas speaking.

Lincoln was a bookish history nerd. If only he could see what “the party of Lincoln” has been reduced to.

I feel obliged to point out that Frederick Douglass was indeed invoked during the Lincoln-Douglas debates. Stephen brought him up as part of his rhetorical strategy of racist demagoguery.

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