Endemic subspecies have restricted ranges and many have a high chance of being declared a new species in the future. Taiwan is home to 54 endemic subspecies of bird. We will be sharing these with you over the coming days and weeks.
Black-naped Monarch (黑枕藍鶲)
The Ring-necked Pheasant (環頸雉) is considered Least Concern by the IUCN yet Taiwan's endemic ssp is Critically Endangered mainly due to hybridization. They are primarily found in Taichung City, the Chianan Plain and along the east coast.
#BirdsSeenIn2022 #TaiwanNature
Taiwan's endemic ssp. of Slaty-legged Crake (灰腳秧雞) is extremely shy and difficult to see. It's easier to hear them call at night in spring and summer. An indigenous Tsou tribe legend says if you hear one at night, you'll see a Hundred-Pacer (百步蛇) in ten days!
Though considered Least Concern by the IUCN, Taiwan's endemic ssp of Eurasian Jay (松鴉) is considered Vulnerable due to its restricted range in mid- to high elevation forests. They're also known to mimic species like sparrowhawks and goshawks!
#TaiwanNature #BirdsSeenin2022
Taiwan's endemic ssp. of Alpine Accentor (岩鷚) is found in rocky areas at high elevations, often over 3000m. It's been designated as Vulnerable by the gov. Studies show its distribution range moving to higher altitudes, potentially an effect of climate change and global warming.
Don't let the name fool you, Taiwan's endemic ssp of Plain Prinia (褐頭鷦鶯) is anything but!
This wonderful species is relatively common at lower elevations and can be seen in grasslands, farmlands, and wetlands.
#TaiwanNature #BirdsSeenin2022
Meet the Star Crow (星鴉) aka Taiwan's endemic ssp of Eurasian Nutcracker. These corvids live in coniferous forests at mid- to high elevations, mainly feeding on conifer cones. In the fall they can be seen hiding food in tree hollows or underground.
#TaiwanNature #BirdsSeenin2022
The Crested Goshawk (鳳頭蒼鷹) is an endemic ssp of raptor in Taiwan commonly seen in urban green spaces and forests. The male’s white undertail feathers are called their "diapers" by local bird watchers. Good sports, they aren’t babies about it. 👶
#TaiwanNature #BirdsSeenin2022
Taiwan's endemic ssp of White-tailed Robin (白尾鴝) is easier heard than seen. Usually foraging in the underbrush of mid-elevation forests, the male's call is a loud "Mi-Do Re Mi". 🎶
#TaiwanNature #BirsdsSeenin2022
The Taiwan endemic ssp of Eurasian Wren (鷦鷯) is found in mid- and high elevation forests. They prefer to stay near the ground and are usually hard to see. During the breeding season though, males will stand out prominently and sing to get the attention of females.
Taiwan’s endemic ssp of Maroon Oriole (朱鸝) is a common bird in eastern Taiwan and inhabits low and mid-elevation forests. Males and females can be heard performing ethereal sounding two-tone duets together. 🎶
#TaiwanNature #BirdsSeenin2022
The Plumbeous Water Redstart (鉛色水鶇) is a highly territorial Taiwan endemic ssp and can be found near fast-moving water. It is also dimorphic, with males having bright red tails and females remaining a uniform grey.
#TaiwanNature #BirdsSeenIn2022
The Black Drongo (大卷尾) is a Taiwan endemic ssp commonly seen in farmlands and grasslands. They are small but fierce. During the breeding season, males will attack anything they consider a threat to their territory, including people! 😮
#TaiwanNature #BirdsSeenin2022
Taiwan's endemic ssp of Green-Backed Tit (青背山雀) can be found in mid-elevation forests and looks similar to the Great Tit. A tree cavity nester, they can also be seen using nest boxes now too. Their call is a loud clear "ju-ju-ju-ju-ju-ju".
#BirdsSeenIn2022 #TaiwanNature
The next time you’re in low elevation areas of grass or scrub in Taiwan and hear a shrill “beep-beep-beep”, it may not be a car, but Taiwan’s endemic ssp of Vineous-throated Parrotbill (粉紅鸚嘴)! These small birds are known for being very social and traveling in groups.
Usually found near forests, Taiwan’s endemic ssp of Crested Serpent-Eagle (大冠鷲) is the most commonly seen large raptor here. They're known to call while soaring and are often seen after being heard. As their main prey is snakes, in Mandarin they're also called the Snake Eagle.
Taiwan’s endemic ssp of Little Forktail (小剪尾) can be found in streams and waterfalls at mid-elevations. As it prefers clean water in the upper reaches of streams, it is widely considered a good indicator species for habitat quality.
#BirdsSeenIn2022 #TaiwanNature
The Ryukyu Scops-Owl (蘭嶼角鴞) is a Taiwan endemic ssp found only on Orchid Island off the coast of Taitung County. The indigenous Tao people call it Toto'o because of its call.
#BirdsSeenIn2022 #TaiwanNature
Taiwan’s endemic ssp of White-backed Woodpecker (大赤啄木) can be found in mid-elevation forests where they create cavities in dead trees to nest. Listen for their call of "ki-ki-ki-ki" or the sound they make as the peck at tree trunks to find them!
#BirdsSeenIn2022 #TaiwanNature
The Collared Finchbill (白環鸚嘴鵯) is a Taiwan endemic ssp black sheep of sorts. Part of the Bulbul family, its sturdy beak makes it stand out from its "family members". They're usually found in hilly areas at low to mid-elevations.
#TaiwanNature #BirdsSeenin2022
The Rufous-capped Babbler (山紅頭) is a Taiwan endemic ssp that’s easy to find in low and mid-elevation forests. Often traveling in mixed flocks with Grey-cheeked Fulvettas, their call is a very recognizable bell-like whistle.
#TaiwanNature #BirdsSeenin2022
Taiwan's endemic ssp of Eurasian Nuthatch (茶腹鳾) is found in mid-elevation forests. They can often be seen nimbly going up and down tree trunks in search of food.
#BirdsSeenIn2022 #TaiwanNature
The feathers of Taiwan's endemic ssp of Bronzed Drongo (小卷尾) have a bluish metallic luster, differentiating them from our endemic ssp of Black Drongo. Found in low and mid-elevation forests, they can have a variety of calls, including one like a Chinese Sparrowhawk!
Taiwan's endemic ssp of Light-vented Bulbul (白頭翁) is one of our most common birds. Mainly distributed in the north and west, they use a range of different habitats, like urban areas, farmlands, and low-elevation forests. Their call is loud and sounds a bit like "cho-co-late~".
Taiwan's endemic ssp of Savanna Nightjar (南亞夜鷹) is nocturnal and very good at camoflogue. Though in the past mainly found near gravelly riverbeds or open grasslands, some have made their way into towns and you can hear the high-pitched "tzwee" of the males from rooftops!
Dense low elevation forest is the perfect habitat for Taiwan’s endemic ssp of Dusky Fulvetta (頭烏線), as they are quite shy. For Taiwanese birders, they're also known for their breeding season call which sounds like "是誰打破氣球". Translated, that's ‘who broke the balloon?’! 🎈
Of Taiwan's three most commonly seen Myna species, the endemic ssp of Crested Myna (八哥) is the only native one. Often found in man-made environments such as farms or parks, it's easily recognized for its ivory-white bill and tuft of feathers on its forehead resembling a crest.
The Taiwan endemic ssp of Coal Tit (煤山雀) can be found in high-elevation coniferous forests, often in mixed flocks. Vertical migrants, they will move to lower elevations in winter.
#TaiwanNature #BirdsSeenIn2022
The Golden-headed Cisticola (黃頭扇尾鶯) is a Taiwan endemic ssp which can be found in low-elevation grasslands, farmlands, and riverbeds. During the breeding season, males will perch on tall grasses or take to the air with their song of "mi-guili".
#TaiwanNature #BirdsSeenin2023
At a length of 7-9cm, Taiwan’s endemic ssp of Plain Flowerpecker (綠啄花) is the smallest bird in Taiwan. Found in low- and mid-elevation forests, they are extremely lively and active, making them tricky to observe closely.
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