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Not participating in the medicine cult. At information war fighting for the new earth. Disinformaatiota vastaan. Time to wake up! Truth is upside down.

Jan 14, 2022, 25 tweets

This is a second thread about the data showing rising covid-19 infections along with the vaccinations. Disturbing content continues.

Link to the first thread 👇

Ask your self, if vaccines gives protection why the hell more vaccines equals more covid cases? Why? This is not just random. This is a straight correlation! This data should be upside down! How fucking stupid one must be to claim something else. Sample size 2.717 billion people.

And if some idiot even tries to claim that yes but at least it gives a protection for severe case then c'mon, if you have 200x cases you can make many kind of calculations how relative severe cases are actually down. Fuck you. These injections CREATE more disease. Period.

In my mind death is quite severe covid case and they are not down by the Medicine God. Deaths are led by the most vaxxed countries! So where is the protection? Or death is not so severe? Do jabbed now go to the grave without passing trough the ICU? What a great way to ease ICU.

With closer look of these highly populated African countries progressing with vaccinations the equation is evident. Most cases with most jabbed, in correlating order and started rising at the same time with jabs. Hello?! Efficacy? I see only negative. Sample size 706M people.

Bulgaria beated the last Covid-19 wave back down. Did they reach the herd immunity with only 25% jabbed with leaky vaccine? Well done. Unfortunately also Bulgaria started boosting so we know where that will lead.


Brunei had medicine there just a little bit too late. Probably boosters will be there just a little late too. 🐒Just guessing. I don't know yet as vaccination data is not updated after Dec 14.

Finland boosting covid to the moon!

Norway. Boosters and cases. Wow. What about vaccines and deaths? First time I looked into it and it looks very disturbing. 🤮

Israel update. Fourth dose creating more disease than 1,2,3 combined. Who want's the fourth dose?

What about deaths? Scary correlation with the amount of doses administered. 😳 I skip that roulette.

Greece. Covid-19 spaceflight is returning from the moon as rocket fuel boosters are running slower.

Greeks launched their spaceflight boosters at Sep 14 but at the same time many people were still fooled to take their very first jab. Those waves seemed to overlap during Oct-Dec.

Another set of countries. Earliest, most vaccinated and boosting countries leads clearly in total cases. Later started and lower total vaccines administered and not boosting yet have lowest total case count. Sample size 1.527B people.

Vietnam's covid-19 situation went from best to worst compared to some other highly populated low income countries in less than 6 months, although Vietnam was eventually the fastest vaccinator. Covid cases follow vaccines in a very suspicious way. Sample size 1.082B ppl.

India's covid situation was under control, but omicron was rolling, so more vaccines to increase protection. I can't even imagine how worse situation would be without the vaccines. Also during -21's covid wave vaccines were there to flatten the curve. Blessings of science.

Hungary's covid death peaks and vaccine dosing peaks coincidentally emerge at the same time.

1. wave 120k doses avg./day = 250 deaths avg./day.
2. wave 100k doses avg./day = 200 deaths avg./day

Lethal dose ~ 1/500.



Päättikö Suomi vihdoin voittaa koronan siirtymällä käyttämään boostereissa suolaliuosta, vai onkohan sen Apotti-järjestelmän kanssa taas jotain haasteita?

Uusia tautitapauksia kun ei ole tämän tiedon mukaan ilmaantunut useampaan päivään.

Niin tai näin, boostereiden huippu on nyt nähty joten "omicron"-aaltokin alkaa olla taputeltu. Rajoitukset voidaan purkaa ja palata takaisin normaaliin. #nytriittää


I definately agree with this dude on the news.

Egypt update. Boosting started according to the news. Boosters data is missing, but rising cases verifies it.

Turkey. Boosters are not helping. "Omicron" is so contagious especially in unvaccinated people. Just like we saw in Botswana where the "Omicron" was found.

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