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Jan 14, 2022, 7 tweets

• Australia’s state of New South Wales reports record number of COVID deaths

• Omicron set to become dominant dominant in South Korea

• Hong Kong airport bans transit passengers from 153 nations

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'Alarm" in China at latest outbreak:

Al Jazeera’s Britt Clennett says China's concern is that cases from Tianjin, just 30 minutes by train from Beijing, could spread to the capital just as it is preparing to host the Winter Olympics.

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The highly contagious Omicron variant is now predominant in Italy, according to the National Health Institute, accounting for 81 percent of cases.

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Hundreds of thousands of Hindu worshippers have gathered on the banks of India’s Ganges river for a holy dip despite a 30-fold rise in COVID cases in the past month ⤵️

‘Vaccine dictatorship’

Many Lebanese refuse the COVID jab

Omicron spikes in Brazil as Bolsonaro downplays threat

US researchers share COVID-19 vaccine with the world

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