rachel syme Profile picture
woman about town. staff writer @newyorker. also: writing a book for @aaknopf + a coffee table book for @penguinrandom. away from here, mostly.

Jan 14, 2022, 14 tweets

can’t tell if I’m blessed or cursed to have manifested this kooky Santa Fe aunt catalog to show up at my door

for the woman who simply has to get to a craft fair

tfw you’re late for your book group that meets at the healing hands tea room and you really want to get there because it’s eckhart tolle week

Susan and Joan from your foothills hiking group who are peer pressuring you to spring for that nambé vase

Your friend who got really into sun tea during the pandemic

what you spot your therapist wearing for her co-op shift when you have to dive into the nut butters aisle to avoid seeing her in the wild

your mom’s bff whose whose whole deal is butterfly everything. Mugs, brooches, her watch, her beach towels. If you give her any gift, any gift at all, with a butterfly on it, she loves it already

Tara works at the Children’s Museum as head of development, but her commitment to dressing like the Children’s Museum is the real work

this Valentine’s Day, buy her that $420 glass cupcake she’s always wanted. she’ll have so many opportunities to make a lukewarm silence-filling joke about how it’s the only cupcake she could ever resist

these are the kind of lamps that get first names… “babe, can you turn off Lisa and come to bed?”

she went from studying theories of pastoral performance at oberlin to teaching theories of pastoral performance at oberlin and never once had to change

Sarah and Jilly’s “layering as mindfulness” seminar at the community center is always oversubscribed but I hear you can get in with some bribes involving REI gift cards

anyways I hope i get this catalog 4 ever

I am from New Mexico btw and I have this aunt. She’s great. We give her funky giant earrings every year.

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