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Over 20 years experience building, diagnosing and fixing large scale, high performance systems involving the processing + analysing of huge datasets.

Jan 14, 2022, 6 tweets

Recent drops in North East should filter through here in a few days.

Updated (14-Jan) table of top 30 MSOAs (by rate) based on latest numbers in today's report.

Note this data lags behind LA figures so the short spikes have often dropped again by the time we see this detail.

Bringing back the view of how many weeks the MSOAs have been in the suppressed 'less than 3 +ves in the last week' category. Since they don't allow us to distinguish between zero / 1 / 2, we generally consider it to mean zero. Link to full table in reply below.

Breakdown of the number of consecutive weeks (up to the latest report day) that MSOAs have been in the lowest '< 3' category.

E.g. up to 09-Jan, 0% of England MSOAs have gone at least a week with fewer than 3 new positive tests per week.

Chart to show how this measure of number of weeks in bottom bracket has progressed over time.

And the pair of tables to show top 30 MSOAs by week-on-week increases and decreases.

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