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“Memory is the diary we all carry about with us.”. Work with Words. If you like a tweet, please RT. Haberdashers Liveryman, Freeman

Jan 14, 2022, 38 tweets

Portobello Road - share your memories here. I will share photographs in this thread. It’s a wonderful street.

Milletts toy shop on the Portobello

The Colville

The Princess Alexandra

No 67

There’s a lovely short film here of the market in the 1980s…

Here’s R C Meeks newsagents and confectioners on Portobello - thank you to his grandson @badoozleby Kevin Meeks.

A beautiful archive film of Portobello road in the sixties

And BFI archive shows you the market in the 1950s

Not to forget the Disney version of Portobello Road in Bedknobs & Broomsticks….

From @FlipLondonTours here’s Finch’s Public House

This disturbing film, a psychodrama brimming with sexual tension and set in Portobello market is about as far away as it can be to the happier romance of the 1999 #NottingHill film. The backdrop of Portobello road in 1963 is fabulous.…

no 259 Portobello Road in the sixties.

Portobello Rd in 1982
(Michael Rogge Video)

The market in the late seventies, early eighties.
(Watch this Kino Archive film)

Notting Hill Carnival in the late seventies with a brief glimpse of Portobello Road. (From Vestry House Museum/ London Screen Archives) You can see all the film here

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