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Jan 14, 2022, 10 tweets

You know how people say kindness is free?

Well here’s proof — and it’ll bring you to tears.

This is a story about family, history, long lost heirlooms, and the kindness of strangers.

A Goodable thread. 🧵

This is 22 year old Greg Kozlick.

He’s a photographer in Illinois.

He was browsing a thrift store for some equipment when he came across a box.

Inside was something very special.

He opened the box to find slides of about 80 old photos and a note that said “Sue’s Wedding.”

No name, date, nothing - just Sue’s Wedding.

He knew they might be important, so he decided to take a leap of faith and do something.

Greg bought the box of photos and went looking for a projector.

He found one at another thrift store, and used it to view the photos.

Turns out it was bigger than he thought.

It wasn’t just wedding photos, there were graduation photos and other pics too.

This was one of them.

Greg posted the photos online and asked for help in tracking down the owner.

He had no idea who she was, but he knew the pics must have been really important to her.

The internet agreed.

Within 30 minutes, Greg’s search had spread, and people began identifying the location and people in them, eventually tagging the family.

The location was a church near Chicago and the bride was Sue Brose.

That’s when Greg realized something.

Greg had gone to school with Sue’s granddaughter, Autumn!

He reached out to her, and she connected him with her grandmother to return the photos.

Here’s the moment Sue got to see the pictures that were lost for so long, from her graduation to the day she walked down the aisle.

It turns out that after Sue’s mother passed away, the photos were left in a box that was donated to Goodwill.

Sue had been missing them ever since.

All the pictures were taken by Sue’s late father, and having them back gave her a chance to have a piece of him back.

The world is full of dark moments. On social media, we’re surrounded by negativity everyday.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

These are the headlines we need — of strangers doing amazing things for others.

They happen everyday.

This is what it means to be Goodable.

📸: all pictures courtesy of Greg Kozlick. You can follow him at IG/726.visuals

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