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Citizen engagement platform of Government of India, giving people the opportunity to work towards Surajya with their ideas & grass root level contribution.

Jan 15, 2022, 8 tweets

Catalysing startup culture & building an inclusive ecosystem for innovation & entrepreneurship in India, @startupindia is scaling new heights & giving wings to millions of aspirations. #StartUps4NewIndia

Making India a startup hub by nurturing young talents and enabling youth at the grassroots level. #StartUps4NewIndia

New India, New Opportunities for aspiring entrepreneurs. #StartUps4NewIndia

India’s startup ecosystem is a world attraction! Our country becomes the 3rd largest startup ecosystem in the world with over 61,000 recognised Startups. #StartUps4NewIndia

Building a strong ecosystem for nurturing innovation and startups even at the grassroots level. #StartUps4NewIndia

With continuous development in the Indian startup ecosystem, women are chasing the entrepreneurial dream and flourishing in their ventures. #StartUps4NewIndia

Putting India on the Global Map!
India becomes the world’s fastest-growing startup ecosystem with a total of 82 unicorn startups. #StartUps4NewIndia

India has more than doubled the number of unicorns from last year and overtook the UK to rank 3rd in the Unicorn race. #StartUps4NewIndia

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