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Jan 15, 2022, 9 tweets

Rules of a Clean Design.

Ever wondered how you get your design to stand out and stay clean.

This should help.

A thread 🧵 ⬇️

Let’s get started


With the right typeface you’ve solved over 50% of your interface design problems


White space is another rule that keeps your design clean.

And this is basically the areas on your design where you have no element


Using limited colors also contribute to having a clean design.

Instead you could have 2 to 3 colors and provide shades of each of them.

That way your design gets easier on the eyes


Having limited items on your design enhance the ability of the user to focus on the right elements and follow the story described by you using the elements on the design


Using less shadow or making your shadow faint.

Just so that it’s soft on the eyes.

And doesn’t distract the users.


Paying attention to details to enhance accessibility is one way of providing users with a clean user interface.

This boils down to the text, color, white space, size and several others

Credit @zeljko.design on Instagram (instagram.com/zeljko.design )

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