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Investigative reporter @CalMatters | Winner of no awards | | dm for Signal | 🇲🇽

Jan 15, 2022, 12 tweets

Thread: Trump rally in Arizona

“Save America” rally in Florence, Arizona.

An hour outside of Phoenix

Trump rally attendees taking selfies

Rally attendees hours before speeches begin

“Save America” rally in Arizona

My pillow guy Mike Lindell “I promise you this: there won’t be any election counting on machines or computers in 2022”

Crowd is thinning out an hour in to Trump‘a speech (8:09pm)

One woman leaving early said “I’m trying to beat traffic”

Trump floats ideas, with no basis in fact, that speak to white resentment:

-“if you’re white you don’t get the vaccine”

-“in New York State, if you’re white you have to go to the back of the line to get medical help”

Fact check: there is no evidence to support these claims

Throughout tonight’s rally Trump reaffirmed many times that he doesn’t believe he lost the election.

He tells his supporters he “ran twice and won twice”

Former president Trump entered the stage to the theme song of WWE superstar the Undertaker.

I am out of the rally.

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