Jubril A. Gawat Profile picture
Senior Special Assistant on New Media to Governor @jidesanwoolu | Active Citizen (Online & Offline).. | LAGOS Blood| Oko Aisha ❤️|

Jan 15, 2022, 5 tweets

“We are really grateful for this visit. This is the year political parties will elect their candidates towards the election that is coming next year. So, what this had demonstrated to us is, you stood for politics without bitterness” - Governor @seyiamakinde ♾♾♾

“During this political season, you may have to question yourself on why you need to come to the Government House because people might have another interpretation to it. But you sent a message to me and I was delighted to host you in Ibadan” - Governor @jidesanwoolu

“We may fight, struggle for political positions but we know power can only come from God and He gives it to whomever He will like to give it to at whatever time” - Governor @seyiamakinde

“We really thank you for this visit and want to let you know that we have taken proper notice that you have risen above politics and all that is going around here to come and share with us at this moment that we are grieving. We say thank you” - Governor @seyiamakinde

“Let me also use this opportunity to wish you well in your political quest to govern this nation. We want the best for this country and only the best is good enough at this particular time.” - Governor @seyiamakinde

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