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SLAM, Xrds Alum, LU’11 , Los Angeles based photographer, script writer, ⛹🏾 10 year pro. 📸🇺🇸🇳🇬🇬🇧.Different animal, same beast IG:@Bellikemike

Jan 15, 2022, 8 tweets

In Lincoln heights at the site of many recent train robberies a train appears to have derailed…

Confirmed a Union Pacific train has a derailed. The track has been obliterated in some locations

Some still shots from #LincolnHeights

Does anyone recognize these families?

Significant progress has been made at the site of yesterdays train derailment in Lincoln heights. The derailed train has been moved and workers have already started the process of repairing the tracks… @LATACO

Train traffic has started to flow again in a Lincoln Heights, California. But as you can see the cargo is still not secure… @LATACO @UPS

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