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Jan 15, 2022, 8 tweets

Trump rally organizers have sheriffs arrest a woman in a Joe Biden shirt for saying things they didn’t like.

She also appeared to be the only one at the rally wearing a mask. #TrumpRally

No dissent allowed at Trump rallies. They know their ideas won’t win anyone over.

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This pro-Trump news anchor is super giddy.

The women, who had a ticket for the Trump rally, was arrested after walking around with a sign that read: “Trump Lost Arizona.”

Fake Uncle Sam then stole her sign. #TrumpRally

The protester retaliates by taking a sign from Mike Lindell’s My Pillow / Frank Speech booth.

Someone at the booth threatens to press charges for theft. Those pillows must not work.

Others get upset she when she pledged to defend herself.

What a bunch of snowflakes.

One onlooker is wearing a Psalm 23 shirt about not fearing.

He’ll probably go on to describe how he survived this moment.

The crowd cheers and several are documenting this historic moment in their lives as sheriffs arrest a protester that dared tell the truth.

The protester who help a “Trump Lost Arizona” sign was so dangerous that it took 3 sheriffs plus Trump rally security to escort her out.

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