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Jan 16, 2022, 8 tweets

• India daily COVID-19 case count touches eight-month peak

• China urges authorities to minimise effects of COVID curbs over Lunar New Year

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UK Conservative chairman asks PM Boris Johnson to address culture of multiple staff parties during country's coronavirus lockdowns.

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Australia’s decision to deport Novak Djokovic ‘scandalous’, says Serbian PM Ana Brnabic.

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Thailand has reported its first death from the highly contagious Omicron coronavirus variant.

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Austrian gov't revises plans for a strict vaccine mandate, which it said will now apply to all residents age 18 and over, rather than 14 as originally intended.

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Chinese gov't lifted restrictions on certain counties and development zones in Xi’an after three-week lockdown.

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France’s parliament has approved a law that will exclude unvaccinated people from all restaurants, sports arenas and other venues.

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Thousands of protesters take to the streets in Amsterdam rallying against the Dutch government’s COVID measures

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