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Jan 17, 2022, 9 tweets

“At the moment, I'm the most well-known deaf person in the UK. That comes with a responsibility,” says @roseaylingellis.

In the latest Big Issue, she talks dancing, being a role model, and why she’s asking politicians to back a new law.…

Rose says she didn’t see deaf people on TV when she was young so didn't realise she could become a professional actor.

“I’m so glad deaf children now have somebody to look up to – I just can’t believe it’s me,” she told @adey70…

Her Couple’s Choice dance was the heart-stopping moment of #Strictly, as the music cut abruptly and the pair danced on.

“People watched with a smile on their face and realised it's not so bad to be deaf. It's just a different world. And it is beautiful”…

@pernicegiovann1 @RoseAylingEllis And the response of young deaf fans to her #Strictly win blew her mind

“I see videos of little girls dancing and looking at me on the telly. Some of them have started wearing their hair up to show off their hearing aids!” she said.…

@pernicegiovann1 @RoseAylingEllis But while Rose was thrilled she inspired so many people to learn British Sign Language during this year’s #Strictly, it’s still not an official language.

“Which is outrageous. Because it is such a beautiful, rich language with its own structure, its own grammar, its own slang.”

@pernicegiovann1 @RoseAylingEllis Now she’s supporting a new bill from @rosie4westlancs to make BSL an official language, enshrining the rights of 150,000 BSL users to receive the support they need. Write to your local MP, she says.

“The government never really listens to us. Hopefully they will listen now.”

@pernicegiovann1 @RoseAylingEllis @rosie4westlancs (We asked @rosie4westlancs to explain why it's so important to give BSL official status, enshrining the rights of 180,000 to get the support they need, just like everyone else)…

@pernicegiovann1 @RoseAylingEllis @rosie4westlancs And if you're interested in finding out more and what you can do about it you can visit for more info

As Rose says: Back the BSL Bill!

@pernicegiovann1 @RoseAylingEllis @rosie4westlancs For now, Rose is excited to explore the opportunities her new profile will bring.

“I can’t wait to see what comes up. I love adventure. I love new things. So I can't wait – but my agent is being very secretive about all the offers coming in.”…

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