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Jan 17, 2022, 8 tweets

Special Address by Xi Jinping, President of the People's Republic of China with @ProfKlausSchwab #DavosAgenda…

@ProfKlausSchwab .@ProfKlausSchwab opens #DavosAgenda by emphasizing that the world is at a "pivotal moment." He sees several priorities - from fighting the COVID-19 pandemic to transitioning to net-zero.

@ProfKlausSchwab The world is undergoing major changes, unseen in a century, President Xi Jinping tells #DavosAgenda. How to beat the pandemic and build a post-COVID world are a common concern for people around the world.

@ProfKlausSchwab The international community has fought a tenacious battle against COVID-19, says President Xi Jinping. The concerted efforts of the international community mean major progress has been made in the global fight against the pandemic. #DavosAgenda

@ProfKlausSchwab At #DavosAgenda, President Xi Jinping emphasizes the importance of vaccines - to ensure their equitable distribution, quicken vaccination and close the global immunization gap.

@ProfKlausSchwab President Xi Jinping warns of serious negative spillovers if major economies slam on the breaks or u-turn on their monetary policies. #DavosAgenda

@ProfKlausSchwab The process of global development is suffering from severe disruption, says President Xi Jinping. Whatever difficulties come our way, we must adhere to a people-centred philosophy of development, he tells #DavosAgenda

@ProfKlausSchwab To watch this session back in full, or to view the rest of this week's sessions, go to #DavosAgenda

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