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Jan 17, 2022, 7 tweets


There are some 1,350 potentially active volcanoes around the world, many located around the Pacific ‘Ring of Fire’.

We explain Tonga’s volcano eruption and tsunami in maps and charts

Tonga is still cut off from the world two days after an underwater volcano erupted – triggering tsunami alerts across the Pacific.

Despite no reports of deaths or injuries so far, a full assessment is not yet possible with communication lines down

While the Hunga Tonga–Hunga Haʻapai volcano has erupted regularly over the past few years, there has been nothing like this most recent eruption.

Early data suggests it was the biggest eruption since Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines over 30 years ago

Where are the world’s volcanoes?

Many are located along a 40,000km (25,000-mile) arc along the Pacific known as the “Ring of Fire”, which is also where about 90% of all earthquakes occur.

Tonga is home to several volcanoes, all along the Ring of Fire

How do underwater volcanoes erupt?

There are about 1 million undersea volcanoes – and most are extinct.

During an eruption, hot magma forces the oceanic crust open. This can lead to tsunamis – a series of ocean waves caused by the displacement of water

A 1.2-metre wave swept ashore in Tonga's capital as locals reported fleeing to higher ground.

Tsunami warnings were issued across the Pacific, including in Samoa, Australia, Japan, Hawaii, Chile and the US Pacific coast

Read more about Tonga’s volcano eruption and tsunami here ⤵️

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