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Writer of words. Thinker of thoughts. These are them. I’m for Pugs, Justice, Democracy and the advancement of treatments for Neurological Disorders.

Jan 17, 2022, 19 tweets

I’m not sure we are appreciating @marceelias enough.

We know Sidney Powell and others filed a number of lawsuits in a number of states to try to overturn the election. And we know there are 7 states who had false electors.

Now, we need to know this…Buckle up. A wee🧵👇🏻

This picture is still emerging. A conspiracy is being laid out before us. @TheJusticeDept @January6thCmte need to look very closely at this thread.

@maddow @JoyAnnReid @glennkirschner2 @ZevShalev @AshaRangappa_ @nytimes @washingtonpost
Please read this. Here we go…

As I said, we now know Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, and Arizona all had a slate of false electors.
But now we can add the fact that 5 of the false electors in Georgia were also named Plaintiffs in a *pre-December 14, 2020* lawsuit in Georgia.

Oh, you noticed there was a 6th name highlighted in blue? He’s running for Lt. Gov and got trump’s endorsement after signing the false elector document. Convenient. Gov Kemp is being primaried. Signing laws that ban giving water to voters wasn’t enough to appease the boss?

But that’s just Georgia, it’s not like it happened in Michigan as well and oh no, it happened in Michigan as well. 🤦🏼‍♂️

Three of MI’s 16 false electors were also Plaintiffs in a Sidney Powell election lawsuit file November 25, 2020.

Wisconsin. Surely, Wisconsin didn’t have the same phenomenon occur. Sorry, folks. It actually gets a bit worse in Wisconsin because in WI, the Wisconsin Voters Alliance filed suit which is Phill Kline Amistad Project lawsuit. Kline is a former KS AG who lost his KS law license.

But Sidney Powell didn’t let The Amistad Project have all the fun in Wisconsin. She filed a case there too on behalf of yet another false elector. That’s 2 of 10 false electors in WI also appearing as Plaintiffs in lawsuits pre-dating 12/14/20.

Nevada has 6 electoral college votes. And they also have 6 false electors. All 6 were Plaintiffs in a Jesse Binnall lawsuit. You may remember Binnall from being along side Sidney Powell when they both represented General Mike Flynn as he twice pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI.

In New Mexico, trump seems to have wanted to lose
his own battle in trump v Toulouse Oliver. Am I pronouncing that right?
To lose? Ah, ta-loose. Got it, thanks. Ta-loose.

trump didn’t quite go it alone in Pennsylvania, but these other named Plaintiffs are not false electors.

It is worth keeping an eye on PA because one of their false electors, Lou Barletta, is running for Governor. trump endorsed Barletta in 2018. Doug Mastriano is running too though. We’ll see if being a false elector is enough to keep the don on Lou’s side.…

Now to Arizona. Ah, Arizona. Home of the quixotic Sen Kyrsten Sinema and seditious Reps Paul Gosar and Andy Biggs. I’m sure the sun is shining brightly on democracy in AZ, right?

Make it stop.

Like NV every single false elector was also a Plaintiff in a pre 12/14/20 lawsuit.

I began this thread appreciating @marceelias because he and his team defeated these lawsuits. I recall trump telling us we would get ‘tired of winning’ and watching him lose these cases had me Kraken up at the time. But we need to understand what was really going on here.

27 false electors were also Plaintiffs in various lawsuits brought by Sidney Powell, Binnall or The Amistad Project. Each of those lawsuits were filed *prior* to the December 14th date when the false elector documents were signed. Makes one wonder what Mike Flynn knew 12/12/20.

And what John Eastman knew when he testified on December 3rd to the Georgia State legislators. Rudy Giuliani and Power Point man Phil Waldron also testified to Georgia on December 3rd.

How important was December 3rd 2020 to the overall scheme to overturn the election? Important enough that Jeffrey Bossert Clark referenced it in the first paragraph of his ‘Proof of concept’ letter that caused so much trouble for Acting AG Rosen at DOJ.…

Finally on December 14, 2020 those 27 false electors did exactly what WH aide to president Quid pro Quo, Stephen Miller said they needed to. These were the electors they were going to send to Congress to 🗣 🎙 OVERTURN THE ELECTION!

Plaintiffs in lawsuits that ultimately may get the attorneys who brought them disbarred seems bad. Those same plaintiffs going on to become false electors seems worse. The White House knowing about it, Sidney Powell litigating it, John Eastman writing a memo about it…

Mike Flynn giving a speech about it, Jeffrey Clark writing a letter about it makes it seem there was a conspiracy to do it.
It’s up to @January6thCmte to lay it out, and @TheJusticeDept to prosecute it.
@MuellerSheWrote @BaddCompani @visionsurreal @jennycohn1 @gal_suburban

On this and every #MLKDay I read A Letter from a Birmingham jail. Each year, I pick a quote that resonates through history. This year:
‘Rise from the bondage of myths and half-truths to the unfettered realm of creative analysis and objective appraisal’.…

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