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Jan 17, 2022, 7 tweets

πŸ’° A new billionaire has emerged every 26 hours since the pandemic began.

πŸ“ˆ According to @Oxfam, the world's richest people including @ElonMusk and @JeffBezos have seen their fortunes soar.

🌎 So what has COVID-19 meant for inequality?

⭕️ Here are 4 facts you need to know. 🧡

1️⃣ The rich got richer...

⭕️ The 10 wealthiest men earned $1.3bn a day during the pandemic.

They own more than the world's poorest 3.1bn people combined.

πŸ’° The increase in @JeffBezos’ fortune alone could pay for everyone on earth to be safely vaccinated, says @Oxfam.

2️⃣ The poor became poorer...

🏚More than 160m people have been pushed into poverty. Inequality between nations is set to rise for the first time in a generation.

⭕️Yet wealthy countries are recovering faster from COVID-19 and output could return to pre-pandemic levels by 2023.

3️⃣ Poverty continues to kill…

⭕️ Inequality is contributing to the death of at least 21,300 people each day.

πŸ“Š That’s one person every four seconds.

🌽 Many are dying because of hunger. Others are lacking vital access to healthcare.…

4️⃣ And COVID-19 remains deadly...

🌎 People in developing countries are twice as likely to die from being infected.

πŸ“ˆ More than 75% in wealthy countries have been vaccinated.

πŸ’‰ But only about 7% of people in low-income countries have received a vaccine dose.

⭕️ Health experts say Omicron's appearance highlights the need to share vaccines more fairly.

⚑️ Here's what it teaches us about vaccine equity. πŸ‘‡…

⭕️ Read more about how the super rich got even richer during the pandemic, as millions were pushed into poverty πŸ‘‡…

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