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Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgeon I GP Principal I Governor I Appraiser IRII AF Faculty of Forensic & Legal Medicine, London

Jan 17, 2022, 15 tweets

Join me on a trip to one of the best kept "secrets" in Mumbai.

Cordial invitation to all supporters of #JusticeForSushantSinghRajput & Disha & Jiah.
Everyone else can tweet-crash 😎

Overview map - Credit: Google Earth

It’s remote, foresty, and wild, with mountains and caves – perfect for illicit activities as well.
Travel in groups, preferably with m-bikes and always let somebody know where you’re going, when and time of return.
Noted these comments from visitors 👇
Wonder why?

Our starting point is Panvel, Raigad, Maharashtra.

The route takes us to Vaje, after which there is a Mandir.
You’ll begin to see Farm after Farm.

Time for a break and blessings at the Shree Ganesh Mandir.

A little further, we come to a fork in the road.

The right one will take you past a couple of farms with great views.

This is the view from the 1st, Pranay Farms (credit to "Its My Click Yaar"). Nice photography!
Note the twin Peaks Landmark at the cloud base @ approximately 700 metres elevation.

The view at the 2nd Farm (Arpita Farms) – the entrance.
The sign on the left, pictures a dog warning.

Couldn't help noticing that the sign on the right has spelling and grammatical errors, which I hope the owner will correct at some point.

Anyway, moving on, here's a view from the magnificent luxury pool area inside the 2nd Farm.
(Credit: YouTube)

Once past the 2nd Farm, the journey is mainly by foot or bike to our destination,
Vajepur, Maharashtra 410206, India".
(That's the way it's spelt on the Net)

Look at all these people who know this "secret place".

Plus, some folks nearby, who appear to be enjoying themselves as well, at their farm, at night apparently. They bear a remarkable resemblance to some B'wood people.
I think "Panvel" is synonymous with "Arpita".
(Credit: YouTube)

Beats me how the Forestry Dept.'s allowed land sales for luxury buildings in this Prime & Strategic area of Outstanding Natural Beauty”.
It’s a National Shame.
@dir_ed ?
@PMOIndia ?
@NIA_India ?
@ips_nupurprasad ?
Prime Mafia-activity Police-protected location👇

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