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Associate Editor @ScottishSun | politics, comment | centrist dad | or DMs open |…

Jan 18, 2022, 6 tweets

Nicola Sturgeon will give latest Covid rules update at 2.20pm. Here's the "additional legal restrictions and guidance" in place due to Omicron. Also expect FM to speak re poss vaccine passport expansion, masks in secondary schools, & if/when self-isolation rules cd be phased out

The extension of vaccine passports - now needed for access to large events, nightclubs (closed at moment), and late bars with dancing - was put back on the agenda last week by the First Minister. Scot Gov previously backed off expansion. There will be opposition from Tories/Libs

Worth noting that you now need to be boosted to be able to use a vaccine passport in Scotland (unlike Wales). In Wales, they're also needed for cinemas, theatres and concert halls. No details yet on what Scot Gov are thinking of in terms of expansion.

Here's the backdrop to today's announcement. New positive cases falling sharply. This is PCR tests, which have fallen off *partly* due to changing requirement - but the dip follows the downward trend on other indicators

Scotland hospital admissions have levelled off. ICU admissions may be falling. Deaths may be falling (though may be reporting delays). However, latest modelling published by Scot Gov last week predicted peak hospitalisations/deaths at start of Feb

One issue for FM today is whether to lift the ban on non-pro adult indoor 'contact' sport, which has frustrated sports bodies.This is a bit from today's paper re fencers (in this pic,preparing for international competition) training outside in front of car headlights in Edinburgh

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