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Security Engineer @LeadSquared | @th3cyb3rhub - Open Source · Cyber Security · Community

Jan 18, 2022, 10 tweets

- #100DaysOfHacking with 📒Notes (included in the end).
- Day - 3
- 1. Users and Privileges. ⬇

~# ls -la
List for checking permissions ⬇

`d` - directory
`-` - file

r w x
read write execute

3 groups are here
1- `rwx` 2- `r-x` 3- `r-w`

1. d`rwx`r-xr-x - Owner of the file
All permissions are there.
This permissions setting that a particular group has
In this case can do read, write and execute.

2. drwx`r-x`r-x - Member of the group
The next set of three here is actually the permissions for the members of the group that own the file
In this case, can do only read and execute.

3. drwxr-x`r-x` - For all the users on the machine
In this case, we have read and execute permissions.

/tmp - dir is having all permissions

While hacking, we might actually upload it into the temp folder because that's where we can execute those files

It's all about insecure configurations.

- Retweet (for reach) if you like,
- #100DaysOfHacking with 📒Notes ⬇
- github.com/kabir0x17/100D…

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